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Landfills and water reservoirs on or near the airfield draw birds from miles around. Likewise, open hangars and other large, wind-protected structures offer birds attractive places for roosting and nesting. Netting is the ideal solution to deter birds in each of these cases: it is lightweight, strong, and is capable of making an impenetrable physical barrier to birds.

Important characteristics of netting

  • Most netting in hangers is attached by adhesive.
  • Only ultralight netting, weighing 12g per sq m (mesh size 50mm x 50mm) is suitable for airports. The netting is incendiary materials class B1.
  • The netting is stretched tight and can be easily removed for maintenance purposes.
  • The netting is also available with a special coating that repels dust and dirt, lowering the costs of maintenance.
  • Netting is suitable for medium to high populations.
  • Netting of landfill sites is often the only possible solution to prevent birds from landing.

Advantages Disadvantages
  1. Highly effective, netting always prevents birds from landing.
  2. The mesh size can be selected to control certain birds.
  3. Ultralight netting can be glued in place; nails or rivets are not necessary.
  4. Antec-netting can be given an additional anti-pollutant coating.
  • Despite UV material, possible damage to the material by UV light cannot be excluded.
  • If improperly installed, animals can get trapped in the netting and die.
  • If the netting is installed horizontal, birds can roost on it.
  • Landfill netting is very complex.

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